Tomba dei giganti Li Lolghi e Li Muri (Arzachena)

Tomba dei giganti - (Arzachena)
Tomba dei giganti Li Lolghi e Li Muri (Arzachena)
Tomba dei giganti Li Lolghi e Li Muri (Arzachena)
Tomba dei giganti Li Lolghi e Li Muri (Arzachena)

One of the distinctive traits of human beings is certainly the need to bury their dead. Thus, burial sites yield precious evidence about the lives and practices of their creators. Over the course of human history, these signs and practices have changed; therefore it can be interesting to compare two different burial sites created in different periods but located in the same area. So let us compare the giants’ tomb of Li Longhi and the tomb circles of Li Muri.


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